Here we introduce how to make figures, such as a illustrative figure in introduction, system overview, and evaluation diagrams.

Note that every figure should be infomative. A figure that shows very limited info is not a good figure.

Figure Types

CDF, Boxplot, Flowchart, System Architechure, Framwork,

Illustrive Figure

In Introduction or Motivation, we might need some illustrative figures to show some information.

Figure Size and Font Size

For two coloum paper, figsize=(8,6) and fontsize=16 is reasonable setting.

Framework of Data Paper

From KDD 18 traffic light paper:

<img src="figures/framework-kdd18-hua.png" alt="system-overview-mobisys16-huang", width="800">

From KDD 18 Du-Parking paper:

<img src="figures/framework-kdd18-yuecheng.png" alt="system-overview-mobisys16-huang", width="500">

Flowchart of System Paper

Border Line Width: 3 pound.

Some system overview figure samples:

From SenSys 16 Huang’s paper:

<img src="figures/system-overview-sensys16-huang.png" alt="system-overview-mobisys16-huang", width="600">

From SenSys 16 Hester’s paper:

<img src="figures/system-overview-sensys16-hester.png" alt="system-overview-mobisys16-hester", width="600">

From MobiSys 17 Mathur’s paper:

<img src="figures/system-overview-mobisys17-mathur.png" alt="system-overview-mobisys17-mathur", width="500">

From MobiSys 17 Zhu’s paper:

<img src="figures/system-overview-mobisys17-zhu.png" alt="system-overview-mobisys17-zhu", width="600">

From MobiSys 17 Zhou’s paper:

<img src="figures/system-overview-mobisys17-zhou.png" alt="system-overview-mobisys17-zhou", width="600", height="500">


From MobiSys 12 Nath’s paper

<img src="figures/system-workflow-mobisys12-nath.png" , width="600">

From MobiSys 18 Lu’s paper

<img src="figures/system-workflow-mobicom18-lu.png" , width="600">

Data Facts

From Ubicomp 18 Zhang’s Paper:



Some evaluation figure samples:

From SenSys 16 Meng’s Paper:

<img src="figures/evaluation-sensys16-meng.png" alt="evaluation-sensys16-meng", width="900">