Yi Ding, Ph.D.
I am currently an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at The University of Texas at Dallas. Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Associate at MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS) and Media Lab from 2022 to 2023. I received my Ph.D. in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota in 2022. I have my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Zhejiang University in China.
My research interests lie at the intersection of cyber-physical systems (CPS), mobile computing, and machine learning. I am interested in combining wireless sensing and machine learning on mobile devices in CPS and cyber-human systems (CHS) like location-based services, urban delivery, and smart cities. Some of the future projects will study how to integrate AI models like LLM into the systems.
I am looking for self-motivated Ph.D. students starting in Fall 26. Experience in mobile computing and machine learning is preferred. If you are interested, please send your CV, Statement-of-Purpose, and transcripts to yi.ding at utdallas dot edu.
Please find my CV here.
Recent News
- Feb. 2025: Invited to join ACM IMWUT Editorial Board as Associate Editor (AE).
- Jan. 2025: Paper accepted by ACM WWW (the Web Conference).
- Dec. 2024: Paper on satellite-based sensing accepted by IEEE PerCom.
- Nov. 2024: Serve as Track Chair for Cloud/Edge Applications Track at IEEE Cloud Summit 2025.
- Nov. 2024: Serve as program committee for ACM MobiSys 2025.
- Oct. 2024: Serve as a panelist at NSF.
- Sep. 2024: Serve as program committee for AAAI-AISI 2025.
- Aug. 2024: Invited talk at the University of North Dakota
- July 2024: Paper on parking violation prediction accepted by ACM CIKM.
- May 2024: Paper accepted by IEEE TKDE.
- May 2024: Serve as a panelist at NSF.
- May 2024: Attend CPS/IoT Week 2024 in Hong Kong.
- Apr. 2024: Serve as program committee on the SIGCOMM’24 Posters and Demos.
- Apr. 2024: Serve as a panelist at NSF.
- Apr. 2024: Two papers accepted by UbiComp/IMWUT.
- Mar. 2024: Attend NSF CPS PI Meeting as Aspiring PI.
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- Feb. 2024: Attend NSF S&CC PI Meeting as a program participant.
- Dec. 2023: Paper accepted by IEEE TMC.
- Nov. 2023: Presentation on NSF IoT/S&CC workshop at UW
- Sep. 2023: Paper accepted by VLDB 2024.
- Aug. 2023: Start Assistant Professor appointment at UT Dallas.
- Jul. 2023: Serve as program committee on the SIGCOMM’23 Posters and Demos.
- Apr. 2023: Co-authored paper accepted by ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN).
- Mar. 2023: Serve as a reviewer for ACM SIGKDD 2023.
- Oct. 2022: Start postdoctoral associate appointment at MIT.
- Aug. 2022: Co-authored paper accepted by ACM SIGSPATIAL 2022.
- Aug. 2022: Present Para-Pred at KDD. Glad to see some new friends and old friends.
- Jul. 2022: Gave a talk at Kargo.
- Jul. 2022: 1st-authored paper accepted by IEEE/ACM ToN.
- Jun. 2022: I gave a talk to the Location-based Service (LBS) team in ByteDance.
- May. 2022: Co-authored paper accepted by ACM SIGKDD’22.
- Apr. 2022: Selected to participate in the CPS Rising Stars Workshop 2022.
- Apr. 2022: Co-authored paper accepted by ACM IMWUT (UbiComp’22).
- Feb. 2022: 2nd-authored paper accepted by ACM MobiCom’22.
- Jan. 2022: 1st-authored paper P2-Loc accepted by ACM IMWUT (UbiComp’22).
- Nov. 2021: Co-authored paper won the outstanding paper award at IEEE RTSS’21.
- Oct. 2021: VALID mentioned in MIT Technology Review.
- Oct. 2021: 1st-author paper SmartLoc accepted by ACM IMWUT (UbiComp’22).
- Aug. 2021: Co-authored paper accepted by IEEE RTSS’21.
- Jul. 2021: 2nd-author paper ALWAES accepted by ACM IMWUT (UbiComp’21).
- Jul. 2021: 1st-author paper accepted by IEEE/ACM ToN.
- Jul. 2021: Data-set released of on-demand delivery order distribution in Shenzhen.
- Jul. 2021: 1st-author paper RL-Dispatch accepted by ACM IMWUT (UbiComp’21).
- Apr. 2021: 1st-author paper VALID accepted by SIGCOMM’ 21.
- Apr. 2021: aBeacon paper presented at NSDI’ 21.
- Sep. 2020: Data-set released of Bluetooth beacons, couriers’ reports, and trajectories.
- Aug. 2020: aBeacon system introduced in Alibaba Tech. officials accounts.
- Aug. 2020: 2nd-author paper Trans-Loc accepted by MobiCom’ 20.
- Jun. 2020: 1st-author paper aBeacon accepted by NSDI’ 21.